About the Department

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Since 2006; Food, Nutrition and Dietetics existed as one of the option components of the former Department of Family, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences. On the 7th September, 2021; the Council of the University, however, approved the establishment of a stand-alone Department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics in the Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Health Sciences. This will enable the students who are interested in Nutrition and Dietetics have the correct nomenclature of the Degree “B.Sc. Human Nutrition and Dietetics” after graduation as approved by the National University Commission (NUC).

At inception, the Department kick-started with four Academic Staff, each with specific area of specialization. The Department boasts of two Professors of national and international repute who major in the field of Maternal and Child Nutrition, and Public Health Nutrition/Adolescent Nutrition. The Department currently has one Technologist who teaches students practical work, guides them in the laboratory procedures and assists them during their research work. The clerical staff also assists in administrative duties.

The Department, at present, runs a 5-year Bachelor of Science degree programme (B.Sc. Human Nutrition and Dietetics) for prospective science-based students who are admitted through UTME, Direct Entry (ND, HND, NCE and JUPEB), Pre-degree and Transfer. In their training, students will register for University, Faculty and Departmental courses. The students will also have in-depth practical experience in various laboratories relevant to Human Nutrition and Dietetics. Students will have hands-on practical experience through Students’ Industrial Work Scheme (SIWES) and undergo clinical posting at teaching hospitals. Upon completion of their B.Sc. degree programme, students have the option of undergoing a year dietetic internship in a teaching hospital to be certified Registered Dietitian after passing the prescribed examination organized by the professional body.


hod-hnd@oauife.edu.ng; humannutritiondietetics.oauife@gmail.com
